AGM of Members 2015

All members* of the corporation are advised that the 2015 annual general meeting of members will take place as follows:

Time: 9:00am
Date: Friday, 27 November 2015
Place: Ugarie Public Hall, Badu Island


  1. Appoint the meeting chair
  2. Apologies
  3. Receipt of proxy votes**
  4. Confirm previous minutes
  5. Corporation reports (directors’ report, financial report and auditor’s report)
  6. Appointment of an auditor for the next financial year
  7. Special Resolutions (listed below) - Proposed Changes to the Mura Badulgal (TSI) Corporation Rule Book
  8. Church Leaders Meeting / St Mark's Church
  9. Update on Leases
  10. Self-contribution to a funeral fund administered by Mura Badulgal
  11. Banishment of persons who have committed serious offences
  12. Questions and Answers about the Management of the Corporation
  13. General Business


* Members are invited to check their details in the register to ensure their details are current. We encourage members to provide an email address so that we can communicate electronically.
** A member has a right to appoint a proxy. A proxy must be a fellow member and cannot hold more than three (3) proxy votes.

A member wishing to appoint a proxy must do so on the Proxy Form and lodge to the corporations’ office at least 48 hours before the meeting. Forms are available online or from the office.

Agenda Item 7 - Changes to the Corporation’s Rule Book

This office receives a number of requests for sponsorship, loan and funeral assistance. The Directors have revisited these policies and the following additions are proposed:

Currently the loan policy is available if the request is in relation to health and well-being. The Directors thought the term is too generic and should be specific. They propose the following:

  1. Loans
    1. Loans are only to be considered for a qualifying member who can demonstrate they have no other means of accessing money to meet an emergency situation in relation to HEALTH AND WELL-BEING.
    1. Loans are only to be considered for a qualifying member who can demonstrate they have no other means of accessing money to meet an emergency situation in relation to the purchase of house hold goods.
  2. Donations
    1. Sponsorships

      The approved budget is to be considered before making a donation. These are more substantive in nature than minor donations and must be considered and approved by the Directors, based on merit using the following criteria:

      • Does this benefit the whole community as a whole?
      • Is it a one-off or ongoing sponsorship, ongoing financial year sponsorships to be confirmed in budget(s)?
      • Have other avenues of funding been exhausted?
      • Sporting Clubs (with the exception of Junior Rugby League) will not be considered.
    1. Sponsorships

      An approved budget is considered by the Directors and once it has been established a grant disbursement process is called the Sponsorship Funding Round. Groups or individuals can apply for sponsorship to assist in culture, arts, sporting, academic, and business, charity (non for profit), community, environment, social and health. There will only be one funding round per year with specific opening and closing dates for applicants, grant guidelines and application forms. Based on merit using the below criteria:-

      • How will this benefit Mura Badulgal community?
      • Have other avenues of funding been exhausted?
      • Is it a one-off or ongoing sponsorship, ongoing financial year sponsorships to be confirmed in budget(s)
      • What assistance has been given so far including in-kind support?

Mr Laurie Nona Chair,
Mura Badulgal (TSI) Corporation RNTBC
4 November 2015