Notice Issued: Monday, 27 October 2014
Closing date for nominations: Thursday, 20 November 2014

  • Call for nominations from all members of Mura Badulgal (TSI) Corporation for the position of a Director with Mura Badulgal (TSI) Corporation.
  • Six directors shall be persons who reside on Badu Island, one director shall be a person who resides on the inner islands of the Torres Strait and one director shall be a person who resides in Australia but outside the Torres Strait.
  • The term of the office is four (4) years.
  • From the eight (8) Directors elected a Chair will be elected by the floor (members present).
  • Once a Chair has been announced, the appointment of Vice Chairperson and Honorary Secretary/Treasurer will be decided by directors' vote at the first board meeting following the annual general meeting.


The principle role of the Board of Directors will provide strategic direction and leadership to the Badulgal people and ensure that their Vision becomes a Reality through its key objectives:

  • Hold the Native Title Land for the benefit of the Badulgal people as a registered native title body corporate as provided for in the Native Title Act or any other valid Commonwealth or State law and to manage the native title rights and interests of Badulgal people;
  • Generally carry out all those roles and functions that are ascribed to a registered native title body corporate pursuant to the Native Title Act and any regulations made there under in accordance with those regulations and these Rules;
  • Ensure that the interests and well-being of the Mura Badulgal people, including those of the individual Common Law Holders of native title, are paramount;
  • Assist in the formation and due process of good governance of the Council of Elders as provided for in Rule 13 of the Rule Book and produce justifiable and appropriate land claim decisions.

The Board of Directors oversees the conduct of the corporation and supervises management, which is responsible for the day to day conduct of the business.

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